Friday, October 3, 2008

Resin Casting Continued

In this part of the demo I will show how to cast the actual miniatures. Now I was out of uncast resin and the local hobby shop was as well. So I had no resin to do a new casting but I will try to explain how to do it any way.

Step one take your mold out and make sure it is clean. Mix the two different halves of liquid resin in a separate cup. Pour it slowly in to the mold. It helps to use a tooth pick to stir it around and fill all the corners and small bits

Step two Let the resin sit and dry for about ten minutes, it gives off heat as it sets so be careful not to burn your self. Once the resin has set and cooled flex the mold and pop out the model. It may have small holes in it, don't worry these can be filled with various types of putty or GW green stuff.

Step three once your model is in shape (note the green patch where an air bubble was) You can get into fine details. I like to add "gun sponsions" or small swivel guns to the superstructure. These small details don't cast well so I add them after that step. I use a small drill to drill holes where the guns will go. It is possible to go further and cast separate components such as large turrets or superstructures and add these to your ship (This mould be ideal for a monitor). This lends detail and complexity to the design but can be very tricky to get right.

You can see here the holes drilled into the side of the superstructure.

Lastly cut small pieces of paper clips and fit them in as guns, the same can be done for masts. Now you can paint and base and you are ready to go. As a final warning I will say not all castings will be usable many of mine have failed and your first few might be failures but keep going you will get it in time.


Eli Arndt said...

Another wonderful post. Thank you for posting these. You have answered many questions and given me a bit of hope and encouragement.

Smith said...

No problem and good luck with your own fleet. If I am ever in your kneck of the woods well have to have a battle!